Homemade Baked Beans

homemade baked beans recipe

1/2 brown onion finely chopped

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 cup of diced can tomatoes (chopped)

3-4 tsp coconut sugar

1 tin of butter beans (drained)

1 tablespoon Morlife Certified Organic Lucuma powder

1 1/2 tsp Morlife Beetroot powder

1/4 cup vegetable broth

1/2 tbsp. fresh parsley chopped

Pinch sea salt and pepper

Bread - multigrain Vienna or your choice of any Gluten Free bread

1) Sauté onion and olive oil into a pan until lightly golden

2) Add tomatoes, broth, sugar, lucuma, beetroot powder. Mix well then reduce the heat. Simmer for about 6 minutes or until sauce becomes a little creamy.

3) Add beans, sea salt, pepper for a 5 -8 minutes or until the beans have heated through

4) Mix parsley through the tomato sauce

5) Serve hot in bowls with a lightly toasted bread